James Somers

 James Somers 's Books

A very well recieved series by James Somers are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Raven's Hand, The Chronicles of Soone - Warrior Rising, The Serpent Kings, The Realm Shift (RS:Book One), HAVOC (Descendants Saga: Crisis Sequence Book 3), A Strange Tale, Vendetta, Fallen, A World Within, DESCENDANT (Descendants Saga), MILLENNIUM (Descendants Saga), The rise of Lucin tcos-2, The Chronicles of Soone--Heir to the King, The ORDER of SHADDAI (The Realm Shift Trilogy #2), Serpent Kings Saga (Omnibus Edition), The Realm Shift rs-1, HALLOWED GROUND, AFTERMATH (Descendants Saga), THE REALM SHIFT (Realm Shift Trilogy #1), INFERNO (New Perdition's Gate Omnibus Edition), ALLIANCE (Descendants Saga), The Chronicles of Soone: Rebellion's Fate, CRISIS (Descendants Saga (Crisis Sequence) Book 2), RAGE (Descendants Saga (Crisis Sequence One)), Heir to the King tcos-1, REVENANT (Descendants Saga), The Sword of Gideon (The Realm Shift Trilogy #3), HALLOWED BE THY NAME, Warrior Rising cos-3, The Order of Shaddai rs-2, The Chronicles of Soone - Rise of Lucin, The Sword of Gideon rs-3, which was published in 2022.